Healthy Schools For London Partner With PassageWay To Promote Public Transport Use

Promoting sustainable public transport and active travel to students, staff and visitors for London schools.

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A major source of congestion and pollution on London’s roads is the daily school run. According to research, traffic around drop-off and pick up accounts for nearly 40% of congestion on our capital’s roads. What’s worse is that these high levels of congestion result in increased air pollution around our schools.  It might be said that we are literally poisoning our own children.

Working with TFL Stars and Healthy Schools For London, we’re planning to change this. By providing real time public transport and wayfinding digital signs to all schools, colleges and universities. Displaying all the local public transport options in real-time the signs will encourage students, parents, staff and visitors to ditch their cars and use alternative, more sustainable forms of transport.

PassageWay has the additional benefit for schools where smartphones are banned during the academic day as the signs can be displayed on any Internet-connected screen, meaning they can be located in a foyer, library, dining hall, the school website/intranet or any other location, ensuring students don’t have to revert to their phones to check the latest transport information.

PassageWay signs are available to all schools, colleges, universities and student accommodation in London. Plus multiple signs can be created if required, reflecting different exit points ensuring that there is a true 360 view of all available options.

About Healthy Schools For LondonHealthy Schools London is an Awards Programme that will reach out to every London child, working with schools to improve children and young people’s well-being.

About TFL stars: the TfL’s STARS accreditation scheme inspires young Londoners to think differently about travel and its impact on their health, wellbeing and the environment

Get started today:
To link your school, college or university to its local mobility options or to find out more about PassageWay real-time public transport and wayfinding digital signs then please contact us or call Chris Johns; 07785 996 472.


Smart Mobility Options In London


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