Meet Us At CityX On The 14th November 2019

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Come see our exhibit at this year’s CityX. Taking place in London on the 14th November, CityX from Connected Places Catapult presents a unique opportunity to dive into the priority challenges facing today’s cities. Join us, and other leading businesses, market disruptors, pioneering researchers, and city and mobility leaders for two days of presentations, workshops and networking.

Current confirmed speakers include:

Sophie White – General Manager Infrastructure & Complex Project, Homes England

Alan Somerville, Executive Director - Head of Building Performance Group at BRE

Melissa Sterry - Design Scientist and Systems Theorist

Iain Macbeth – Head of Foresight, Transport for London

Rachel Skinner – Executive Director and UK Head of Transport, WSP

Robert Ravelli – Director, Contemporary Solutions International ­­­­

Nicola Yates OBE – CEO, Connected Places Catapult

Lady Rachel Cooper – Connected Places Catapult Board Member

As well as these speakers, and more to be confirmed, delegates will enjoy show zones where we, along with other CityX exhibitors, will address attendees in open mic Q&A sessions and pitch solutions to industry challenges. There will be talks on the themes of connected and low-carbon homes, modern methods of construction, assisted living, innovation for connected autonomous vehicles, AI and analytics in mobility, Mobility-as-a-Service and multi-modal transportation.

There’ll also be workshops about discovering the challenges in housing, unlocking innovation potentials in housing, challenge-led acceleration and innovation game changers.

Find out more and register here:


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