Sign Design Society Talk With Chris Johns

‘Why Frictionless Digital Signage For Bus Shelters?’

Thursday 24th October at 1PM via Zoom

Chris, one of the Founders of PassageWay will be giving a lunchtime talk to the international membership of the Sign Design Society. Chris will talk about how transport authorities can nudge more customers into choosing public transport by transforming the customer experience with smarter bus shelters. Whilst buses are the most utilised form of public transport in the UK, their access points were designed for a paper based age and Chris presents the proposition that they are no longer effective in channelling more customers into the network. During the talk, chris will discuss PassageWay’s work and vision in meeting this challenge.

If you're not a member of the SDS but would like to attend the talk (which will be via Zoom) then you can purchase tickets at £15 each via the link below:


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